Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring Happenings!

A while back, Carlos and I took the kids to the Adventure Science Museum. They had a good time. In particular, we spent a lot of time in the "Human body" exhibit. It was pretty neat if I say so myself. There were all kinds of things to see and read about regarding all the different body parts and systems. You were even lucky enough to take a tour through the digestive tract. After shooting out of the colon (a slide) you landed on a mat that made a fun noise that sounded like a fart!! The kids thought it was did I =) The last thing we did before leaving was to climb up the center of the museum. I was unaware how far up you could climb. But we made it to the VERY top. You could look out and see downtown Nashville. Alex was too busy to look at me, but Marisa stopped to cheese for the camera. Another exhibit had wheelchairs that you could use. As you can see, the three of them had fun!
So soccer has started this spring. Alex needed to "test" the snacks out that I had brought for the team afterwards. I can always count on him when it comes to food.

Marisa takes the field!!

And to wrap things up, here is Gretel! I found her the other night on her pillow with this soccer ball. It was a perfect photo op. She is doing very well. Accidents in the house really have become less and I like to think that she has come to recognize us as family now. One funny thing, Alex refers to her as "Miss Gretel" whenever he is talking to or about her.

Things are pretty busy with us here. Trying to get houses on the market and find a new home. Soccer and softball are in full swing now. Hoping that the weather will get warmer. I heard today that we might see snow fluries on Monday!! Marisa is in Disneyworld with my mom for the week. Next week is Spring Break, so I am staying home Mon-Wed to be with Alex and then Carlos will stay with him for Thurs and Friday. I have a few things planned for us and hope to take some pictures. So look forward for an update soon!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Ummm...I am dying to know how the marathon went and how you guys are doing in general!!! Hope all is well:)