Along with school and work, both Marisa and Alex are playing soccer this fall. It has been a lot of fun going to Marisa's games and tournaments with her travel team, again it is just very time consuming. This weekend we are going to Hendersonville for a tournament, that is if the rain will STOP. Carlos is the assistant coach for Alex's YMCA soccer team. The first game went ok, very entertaining for the parents. At one point, Alex was wandering off the field going towards the woods. He did have a goal...well he dribbled to the goal and then at the last second decided to throw the ball into the goal. More importantly, he told me that he is having fun!
And then as if I did NOT have enough already on my plate, I am playing soccer with my women's soccer team that I have been a part of for 7 years now. Our first game was a success, we walked away with a W and I even had a goal! And Carlos is playing on his men's softball team, which I may have already mentioned.
Gretel is doing well! She is still just as cute as ever even if she is not the smartest. We often refer to her as "special needs."
Carlos and myself have been so busy, but we did manage to go out this past weekend to a friends engagement party. It was nice to visit with friends and see some that I have not seen in a while. It is hard to believe that a year ago, Carlos and I had our engagement party and that we are quickly approaching our one year wedding anniversary! We had always thought that going back to Maui would be great, however with trying to sell the condo and everything else going on we decided to do something a little bit more low key. We are going to go to Destin for an extended weekend. It should be fun! We always have a good time in Florida.
Carlos and the guys at Wrigley Field for a recent boys weekend.
I hope to be back this weekend with pics and updates of the kiddies activites and events!!